Digital Campaigns

Your potential customers are spending more and more time online. And more and more digital tactics are becoming available to target them and convert leads into sales.

My first job as a consultant is to establish the most effective mix of tactics based on your target clientele and business objectives. We have a huge choice of tools available: sponsored social media posts, SEM campaigns, personalized LinkedIn messages, web banners, pre-roll video ads, and the list goes on.

Once we’ve defined a strategy, I deploy the chosen tactics and optimize them on ongoing basis to bring your site maximum new business at the lowest possible cost.

Services - Digital Campaigns

Why work with me?

  • Over 10 years of experience managing digital campaigns

  • Google AdWords Certified Partner

  • Experienced with major corporations and small and medium businesses

  • Proven record of driving substantial sales increases for clients

  • Contact me for specific case studies


Nicola implements powerful digital strategies. He rigorously analyzes our needs and defines multi-channel strategic planning supported by web insights, which maximizes our qualified prospects and improves our ROI.

Marilou Hudon-Huot, Société de développement Angus

Some of my work

In 10 years as a digital marketing professional, I’ve helped multiple companies embrace digital to drive sales.

Leverage digital marketing to reach your business goals

I help clients leverage the power of digital to grow revenue while enhancing operational efficiency.

Contact me